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Honey is a natural Antiseptic

Honey works wonders on wounds, cuts, and burns. 

Glucose oxidase, an enzyme in honey, produces hydrogen peroxide, which helps kill harmful bacteria. In addition, there are yet-unidentified substances that bees collect from flowers that give their honey antibacterial properties. 


Clinical trials of burn and injury patients show that the application of honey as a wound dressing rapidly clears infection, inflammation, swelling, pain, and odor while speeding the sloughing off of necrotic tissue (dead skin) and the growth of new skin cells. It remains moist, seals wounds – including skin grafts – and protects them from exposure to air, absorbs pus, reduces scarring, and prevents wounds from sticking to bandages.


Unlike other topical antiseptics, honey prevents microbial growth without causing tissue damage.

DYU Pure Raw Honey, DYU Pure Artisanal Honey, DYU Pure Natural Honey, Healing powers of DYU honey, DYU Honey's Antiseptic properties, DYU honey heals burn wounds

Safer than white processed sugar

Honey is a sweet, natural, viscous substance produced by bees from floral nectar. The mixture of sugars in honey is mainly fructose & glucose. These are simple sugars known as monosaccharides & honey gets its sweetness from them. White processed sugar, on the other hand, contains sucrose which is a compound sugar i.e., a disaccharide. 


Sugar is the generic name for sweet-tasting, soluble carbohydrates, many of which are used in food. There are various types of sugar derived from different sources. Natural sugar refers to sugars that occur naturally in foods. For example, fructose is a sugar found in fruits & lactose is natural milk sugar. There are also sugars that are naturally produced such as honey, stevia, agave nectar, etc.  

Refined sugar also referred to as table sugar, is the sugar that has undergone processing & is made from sugar cane or sugar beets.  

Honey is produced by bees from the sweet nectar found in flowers and that is completely natural and makes it a healthier choice as compared to white, refined sugar.

Honey regulates blood sugar.

DYU Pure Raw Honey, DYU Pure Artisanal Honey, DYU Pure Natural Honey, Healing powers of DYU honey, DYU Honey is better than processed White Sugar, DYU honey is best natural sugar

Honey - Bundle of Energy 

Honey is an entirely natural vegetarian-friendly product that's a great source of fuel for sports.

The perfect running fuel, honey's natural unrefined sugars content is made up of fructose and glucose (80%), water (18%), and minerals, vitamins, pollen and protein (2%) are easily absorbed by the body.

These simple carbohydrates are a great source of energy - in fact, honey was even used by runners in the Olympic Games in ancient Greece as an energy source.

DYU Pure Raw Honey, DYU Pure Artisanal Honey, DYU Pure Natural Honey, Healing powers of DYU honey, DYU Honey's is high on nutrients, DYU honey has fructose and glucose

Honey - Immunity Booster

Across the world and from civilizations to civilizations, honey has found a permanent place in homes for its superior capability to boost human immunity and is found to be a better remedy for common cough and cold. Regular consumption of honey either directly of along with lukewarm water, or as a sweetener to juices helps improve immunity and fight allergies.

Honey is known for its antiseptic properties and antioxidant-boosting power.

DYU Pure Raw Honey, DYU Pure Artisanal Honey, DYU Pure Natural Honey, Healing powers of DYU honey, DYU Honey helps cure common cold & cough,h, DYU honey helps build immunity

Honey helps fight insomania

A glass of milk (cold or just lukewarm) mixed with 1 or 2 teaspoons of honey before bed can work wonders in getting you asleep.  Honey restocks the liver with the glycogen needed to prevent the trigger from the brain. Honey's natural sugars slightly raise insulin, allowing tryptophan to enter the brain.

Tryptophan is an amino acid that turns into niacin, an essential B vitamin. Niacin helps in the creation of serotonin,  a neurotransmitter needed to produce melatonin and put your body to sleep.

In case you are lactose intolerant, just have a teaspoon of honey.

DYU Pure Raw Honey, DYU Pure Artisanal Honey, DYU Pure Natural Honey, Healing powers of DYU honey, DYU Honey with Milk helps in digestion,, DYU honey helps healhy sleep

Honey - Natural beauty aid

Pure and natural honey is produced by enzyme activity, plant matter, and live bacteria coming together,  making it extremely valuable for cosmetic uses, such as clearing acne, healing scars, and evening out skin tone.

Pure raw honey is highly recommended for topical application on the skin. Pure raw honey is a concentrate of ingredients beneficial for skin conditions like acne or autoimmune skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis. 

Pure raw honey helps regulate the bacteria on the skin, which makes it a great product to use for acne.


Pure raw honey speeds up skin cells’ healing processes and reduces inflammation in case of eczema or blemishes. 

Raw honey is also a natural exfoliator, which means applying it on the face takes off dry, dull skin and reveals new skin cells underneath

DYU Pure Raw Honey, DYU Pure Artisanal Honey, DYU Pure Natural Honey, Healing powers of DYU honey, DYU Honey is natural exfoliator, DYU honey helps in healing dry skin
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